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Want More High Quality Leads?

How Online Lead Magnets Can Transform Your Construction Business

What exactly are online lead magnets? How can they benefit your business? And most importantly, how can you use them effectively?

In today’s digital age, having an effective lead generation strategy is crucial for the success of any business in the construction industry.

By offering something of value and nurturing those leads through strategic follow-up, you can build strong relationships that lead to long-term success.

Watch/Listen/Read and dive into 3 questions with BLC to discover how you can use lead magnets to attract and convert qualified leads for your business.

Builder Lead Converter ATTRACTS, CAPTURES & CONVERTS high-quality leads for home builders & remodelers so they can pick & choose their clients & jobs. Find out how at https://www.builderleadconverter.com


Rick: Today on Conversations that Convert, we’ll be talking again about three questions with BLC. The topic today is online lead magnets. Should be fun. 

Narrator: Welcome to Conversations that Convert. Every week, we’ll spend about 10 to 15 minutes tackling relevant lead generation, marketing, and sales topics for remodelers, Home improvement companies and home builders Conversations that Convert is brought to you by Builder Lead Converter, your perfect sales assistant.

And now here’s Rick and Daiana. Hey everyone. Welcome to conversations that

Rick: converts. Hello, Daiana. How are you?

Daiana: Hello. Welcome. Welcome. Very well. And you.

Rick: I’m doing great. It’s a beautiful day here today. It is not hot. Like I know it’s hot where you are and the sun is shining and we have a nice. It’s a cool breeze and it’s a beautiful day to be outside enjoying summer, which I know is not what you’re experiencing right now.

Daiana: Exactly. Yes.

Rick: So we’ll enjoy the air conditioning and present another, another episode of Conversations that Convert. So what do you say? Should we get started?

Daiana: Yes. That’s the best option that we have here. So today we will speak about lead magnets and we will find out what are they and how should builders use them to generate, of course, more, more leads.

Rick: Yeah. One of my favorite topics here today, and this is all of our series called tree questions. With Builder Lead Converter and lead magnets are probably one of the most misunderstood things As it relates to lead capture so we’re going to walk through it here in this short tutorial and try to really provide an overview of what they are.

Why don’t builders use them more often? And then most importantly, we’ll save the best for last, which is what are some of the best performing lead magnets? So should we jump in?

Daiana: Let’s jump in because I’m very curious to find out what is. What is a lead magnet and where is the infusion?

Rick: Right. So question number one, what is a lead magnet?

So what I would say is this my definition is, it’s a compelling reason that you give a future lead to start a relationship with you as a builder. I’ll say that one more time. It’s a compelling reason that you give a relation or a lead or a future lead the opportunity to start a relationship with with you.

So it can be used. It doesn’t have to be. We think about website lead magnets, but you can use them on any print advertising. You can use them on a flyer, direct mail. You can use them in a sign. So it’s not necessarily a digital phenomenon. Call to action is another word here, another thing here.

So in other words, what sort of offer or reason would you give a lead to want to start a relationship with you? So it’s got to be compelling, which is which is most important. Now, Daiana, the most common form of lead magnets that we see on a builder’s website, I call them the two F’s, even though they don’t start with F.

Number one is a form, right? If you want more information from us, fill out this form. And number two is a phone. If you’re interested in building or remodeling your home, call this number. So that’s pretty much every builder has on all of their, their, their websites. Although sometimes I find that phone numbers can be very difficult to find.

Their builders do a great job at hiding them on their website. And same thing if it’s a sign on a job site sign, they normally have their website and a phone number. So those are the two most, most common forms and really what it is. Any thoughts on that, Daiana?

Daiana: So, yeah, a lead magnet, it’s a reason to start the relationship with a potential client.

And we can do this in two ways to invite them to complete the form.

Rick: Yep. That is the most common lead magnets out there. And it’s one of the reasons that builders have such poor lead capture from their websites. And we’ll talk about that a little bit more here with question number two.

Daiana: Why don’t builders use more lead magnets if they’re so good and so easy to use?

Rick: The answer is really quite simple, is that almost 99 percent of all builders websites are what we call a builder centric approach. So in other words, the builder has everything to gain and the lead has everything to lose. So let me explain this a little bit more. The builder centric approach to marketing says this is that the lead is required to make the first move.

It’s okay. So we’re, we’re, we’re courting one another, right, Daiana? And you’re saying, well, I want, I want my, this, my potential man who’s courting me to make the first move. And a lot of times the man is saying, well, I want you to make the first move. And so you get into the stalemate. And so when you’re asking someone to pick up the phone and call you or to fill out a form and hit the submit button, you’re asking them to make the first move.

And so what happens is, Only the very, very highest quality leads will actually make the first move. The ones that are really, really ready, willing to enable the vast majority will not. Start a relationship because you don’t give them a compelling reason to start their relationship so the builder gets all the benefit and the lead gets none so it’s really a builder centric approach to marketing now because Most marketers are website designers.

They don’t understand this industry. They think that hey, that’s the most valuable thing I can put on my My ad or my website is to put a phone number in a form. Now, yes, you never want to build one of those without those two things, but they are definitely not going to be the highest converting lead makers.

So the ones that really get the most attention. Does that make sense?

Daiana: Yes, it makes sense. Yes, absolutely. So what’s important is to, to. To really make them understand the importance of those leads magnets and make it about them, about the client and not about themselves. So how can I serve the client and not, not looking for my interest out loud.

Rick: That’s, that’s exactly right. I started taking a builder centric approach. I take a lead centric approach. So in other words, the lead set, the lead has a lot that’s in it for them. So what’s in it for me, everybody’s favorite radio station. So when the lead is looking at your marketing, they feel a compelling reason to actually take action because they feel like the offer you’re giving them is really a great offer.

In fact, they feel like they’re winning. By accepting your offer. And so that’s the difference. And that’s really what we come to. Question number three here is what are the best performing lead magnets? So the answer is giving the lead the most the most, the information that they are after.

So they look at this as a high value proposition. So what I mean is this. The number one question that every single custom home or renovation design build lead has is that they want to understand what their potential new home or renovation project will look like. So leads can’t visualize. That’s why we build model homes.

That’s why we have three week plans. That’s why we do floor plans. That’s why we spend thousands of dollars on photographers and videos and you know, it’s just to show them, hey, here is an example of what we can do. So design. Is the most compelling reason that you can give a lead to start a relationship with you now The next most compelling reason is going to have to do with price is in other words when leads shop online or even when they shop offline They’re trying to shop by process of elimination and so they have

They want to know, can you build something that is appealing to them? And if you can, the second criteria is, well, does it fit into their established budget? Or, you know, what they can or are willing to, to spend. So, if they’re not getting information on those two pieces of information, they are trying to cross you off the list.

They’re going to, they’re going to leave and look for another builder that can potentially, potentially. Serve their needs. Now, the third one that gets less play is going to be the location or service area. That’s usually an easy checklist. If they know they want to build in a certain area, they’re going to make sure that you do serve that area.

But once they have that checked off the list, they’re going to go right to design and pricing. So cool. One last thing on this, Daiana, is that what are the best performing lead magnets because I see this a lot is that I will see some builders to say they’ll do a what’s called a white paper. So white paper would be like a knowledge paper.

And a lot of times these things are based on well here’s seven mistakes to avoid when Designing a custom home or seven makes to avoid when you select a home remodeler or something like that. So it’s a white paper. It’s typically a PDF. It’s got some text and some images and it gets seven generic things.

I’m telling you right now, you know, those worked maybe 10 even 15 years ago. They don’t work so good anymore. Leads are kind of on to that, and they know, like, oh, you’re just trying to get my contact information, and they know, they’ve read enough of these white papers, they know there’s really not any juicy stuff in it, and so oftentimes what they do is they’ll just sort of skim by these, and like, hey, I’m on to your game, I’ve been down that road before, I’m not buying it so that’s what we call a static lead magnet.

It’s just that I, I get one thing, it’s static, there’s no interaction. So the best lead magnets are going to be interactive. Yeah. And what that means is, is that the lead is going to be able to input some specific information on what they are looking for, and they are going to get a dynamic result. So the result again will be specifically taking their input, calculating that, And then giving them back a result that is personalized for them.

So that’s what’s most important is to have interactive lead magnets as it relates to anything to do with design and anything to do with helping them establish a budget or a price for their project. Any final thoughts, Daiana?

Daiana: Sounds good. So it seems that this is the future. Interactive leads. So interactive chat with them and respond in real time.

And be there for them when they need you.

Rick: Yeah. So the future is really where now we’re taking a dynamic lead magnet. Let’s say that it’s pre pro program. So there’s an algorithm and it will spit out the output based on what the lead gives is the input. So there’s going to be, say, like static information that goes in for that lead.

We then use the algorithm. We give them an output and it’s gonna be personalized to them. So what happens in the future now is that we’re taking and adding a I Sorry. Into that output. So now we can be more conversational. Now we can get into a lot more specifics. Now we can take and provide, like, say, executive analysis based on this and really improve that output much, much more.

I would say I would caveat that with this is that we are able now to start linking. software together. So we’re going to be able to get the lead more information up front. And we have a couple of new partners coming up, you know, that we’re working on right now on these relationships where the lead is going to be able to gather so much information.

And the important part is the builder is going to be able to get that lead deep into their sales process without ever having to leave their office. And all this is automated. So combined artificial intelligence combined input from the lead, and then pair that with additional platforms that are appealing to that lead, giving the builder, the knowledge that they need to not only qualify the lead, but also to quickly impress upon them and most importantly, quickly convert them into a contract with a.

With a payment attached to it. So that is the future.

Daiana: Amazing future. I’m looking forward to it.

Rick: I am too. We’re trying to lead the charge here and, and we’re working on some really amazing projects right now. And soon in an episode of Conversations that Convert, we’ll be rolling out these and showing anyone listening or watching, you know, just what that looks like and what it can do for our builder partners.

So if you listening would like to see the future firsthand and find out how you can attract, capture and convert high quality leads so you too can pick and choose your clients and jobs, go ahead and click the link right below here and you’ll be able to schedule a strategy call with me. We would love to come alongside you, hear all about your company, what your goals are, see if we might be able to partner with you and be able to Give you those opportunities that you have your cup overflow and you can say no to the wrong ones because you’re saying yes to the right ones.

So for my brothers and sisters in Christ, may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all always. We’ll see you next time on Conversations that Convert. Bye bye, everyone.



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