Want More High Quality Leads? TRY THIS
Want More High Quality Leads?

Get expert tips to transform your website into a lead-generating powerhouse.

Why isn’t your home builder or remodeler website generating more leads?

From poor layouts, missing content and builder-centric offers- let’s uncover the common mistakes made and list valuable insights on how to improve your website’s lead-capturing capabilities.

If you’re ready to take your online lead capture to the next level, don’t miss our episode!

Watch/Listen/Read and start boosting those leads for your business.


Builder Lead Converter ATTRACTS, CAPTURES & CONVERTS high-quality leads for home builders & remodelers so they can pick & choose their clients & jobs. Find out how at https://www.builderleadconverter.com


Rick: Today in Conversations that Convert, we’re talking about three questions with Builder Lead Converter and why doesn’t my website generate more leads? Let’s get started.

Narrator: Welcome to Conversations that Convert every week. We’ll spend about 10 to 15 minutes tackling relevant lead generation. Marketing and sales topics for remodelers home improvement companies and home builders Conversations that Convert is brought to you by Builder Lead Converter your perfect sales assistant.

And now here’s Rick and Daiana.

Rick: Hey everyone, welcome to Conversations that Convert. Thanks so much for joining us. Daiana. How are you today? 

Daiana: Very well, thank you. Good to see you and hear you. How are you? 

Rick: Well as we just discussed, we just had a huge rainstorm last night, so we’re cleaning up from the rain, but doing well, didn’t lose power, still have our internet and so still able to record this particular podcast.

But we have a new series today, Daiana, so what are we talking about? 

Daiana: And I’m, I’m also curious about the, the, the new series and the new format and the, to see why doesn’t my home builder or remodeling, remodeling website capture more leads and we’re doing the work. But what’s happening?

What’s missing? What’s missing? 

Rick: Exactly. So this is a new series called Three Questions with Builder Lead Converter. We’re gonna pick a lot of common topics that I talk to builders about across North America. One of the big ones right now is, you know, hey, why is my website not delivering? And of course, more high quality leads, which is, which is really important, but you’re going to go through and you’re going to ask me three questions.

And I’m going to reveal to anyone listening here or, or watching as to some of the issues that we find when we when we look at a builder’s website, we do a lot of audits, a lot of website building. And one of the things that we will be discussing, Daiana, is what we call this. closed loop process because a lot of builders have what we call an open loop system.

Open loop system is where you’re really not connecting your marketing funnel from A to Z. So you might be getting traffic to your website, but you’re not getting leads, or you might be getting some leads, but they’re not converting into actually appointments. And you might be getting appointments, but they’re not converting into actual contracts.

So that’s the idea here behind it. So what do you say? Should we get started? 

Daiana: Yes. And be prepared to be challenged. 

Rick: Awesome. All right, here we go. 

Daiana: So first question, are you ready? And I’m very curious. Why doesn’t my website attract more local buyers looking for my services? 

Rick: This is a common question.

because in order for you to capture leads on your website, you have to have the right people looking at it. So we see a lot of builders who have very, very low traffic counts to their to their website. And what we find Daiana is that from a lead conversion source, the number one source of high quality leads is always going to be referral and repeat business.

So somebody that was referred to you by a trusted colleague, friend, family, coworker. Or somebody has done business with you before and they’re calling you back again, which is typical for remodelers that have been in business for about five or more years. They’re normally getting those second repeat buyers.

Now the second highest converting source of leads is going to be what we call inbound organic traffic. So the definition of that is, people that are already living in or are planning to move to your local service area. So in other words, those communities or that territory that you work in who are looking for the services you offer.

So home building or remodeling services. Now, with that said, most builders websites are not optimized to show up in Google search on page one. And Daiana, here’s a question for you. Do you know what percentage of people, when they do a search on Google actually go to page two. I 

Daiana: think it’s a very low percentage, less than 5%.

Rick: Less than 2%. Exactly. And you can kind of think about yourself, right? How often do you actually look on page two? It’s very, very rare. Never. Yeah. So if you’re really not one of those top 10 listed organic searches really you could have the best website in the world. You could be the best builder in the world.

That person is not going to find you, so they’re not going to consider you. So that is the challenge. So what we see is really really three things that are important or why websites are not attracting those local buyers. So number one is that a lot of times your Google business profile is not set up correctly.

That’s going to be a great source of traffic for you, and the good news is it’s free. The second thing we see a lot is, is that the website really does not have any what we call on site optimization. So a lot of the pages for the website are really not designed to actually show up in Google search.

And then the third reason is really what we call more off site. And that’s where you’re getting backlinks coming to your, to your website. Getting more individual, what we call location pages built. Because every builder or remodeler is really location specific. So they’re Certain communities, certain areas, you want your rank for, and if you’re not ranking for those areas, you’re not getting the right people.

So, we see a lot of builders that might have traffic to their site, but it’s garbage traffic. In other words, it’s people coming from different countries or outside of their service area who are never going to end Becoming a buyer. 

Daiana: I’m curious, and I hope you’re curious about the second question. Number two.

What is the difference between builder centric versus a lead centric website? 

Rick: So there was a an old saying when we were building model homes, Daiana. And we would, we would go into a model home that a builder built and we would look at it and say, well, who is going to buy this home because this home appeals to one person only.

And that’s the builder that build it. So we used to have this phrase and saying, well, so and so builder built a monument to themselves. You know, I hope they like it because they’re probably going to have to move into it because no one’s going to buy it. So that’s what a builder centric website is.

It’s a it’s a website that is really built by what the builder thinks is important. And the disconnect Daiana is that most things that the builder thinks is important is not important to the lead. Now there’s a very very specific definition I want to give here of a lead. A website lead Is not looking at your awards, your process is going to get really in depth on your company background, et cetera, et cetera.

They are going to look for really two or three items. Number one item they’re going to look for is design because they cannot visualize what their new homeowner modeling project will look like. The second thing they’re going to look for is going to be some pricing information. And then the third thing they will look for is your service area.

So either they, if they want land to build, they’ll look for you as a source to find that land. Or if they are remodeling lead, they’re going to make sure that you will come to their, their address. So they do care. at a later date about your background as a builder, your awards, your experience all, all those good things, but not while they’re on their website.

You’ve got to answer those three questions first, which is what can I build? How much does it cost and where can I build it? First before you’ll ever get to the next, next thing. So a builder centric website is where you take all of the things they’re interested at after they started a relationship with you and you put them on your website.

If the lead cannot find the information they’re looking for, they’re not going to consider you as a builder. Any thoughts on that, Daiana? 

Daiana: So that’s very interesting to, so to be aware of the difference and, and and the distinction between builder centric and lead centric website, and just on that. So I think 

Rick: a lead centric website will have all the things on the website that are easily, they can find it within one click of homepage.

That will answer those three questions. They’re going to get information on design, they’re going to get information on pricing, they’re going to get information on locations and your service area. It’s as simple as that. Everything else gets in the way at that point and our data points tell us that, we can look at lead behavior tells us that, is that they’re just not ready to really dig deep into you, but they will at some point.

So there is a time and place for your process, for your background, for your awards very much so. It’s just not on your website. 

Daiana: Let’s see question number three is two custom home and remodeling leads shop online by trying to include Or exclude me as one of their builder of choice. 

Rick: Yeah. So, so this is something that a lot of builders, they don’t put a whole lot of thought into, online leads or people that are shopping for a builder where they go to their phone or their tablet or their computer are trying to cross you off their list.

So here is a classic example. I was talking to a client of ours the other day, and he was telling me a story of where he got a website lead. The lead booked an appointment with him. He ended up calling the lead, and he always asked him the same question, which is a great question to start with. How did you happen to hear about us?

And he said, Well, I was just doing a Google search. I looked at about 30 different builders websites. Your website, like you had your stuff together. And so I figured you were the builder to talk to. And so what happened to those other 29 builders is they got excluded. They were not added to the shortlist.

So that is where, what you’re trying to do. That’s your strategy is to avoid being excluded. With your prospective online leads, which would be your future clients. And so that’s why you have to have a lead centric versus a builder centric website because you’re going to get excluded. And this is a story, Daiana, you know, we heard it again at the builder show this year.

Is that a builder will talk about said, you know what my competitors all build crap. I am such a much better builder. I have better products. I use better building mythologies that better quality assurance process. I, you know, I have happier clients, but I have competitors in my marketplace that do two or three or four times as much business as I do because they’re better marketers.

You know, and that’s one of the things that really will make you stand out, is that your website will not turn your leads off, is that people will again start a relationship with you because of your website, because it’s lead centric, and they’re going to include you on their shortlist, like the client I mentioned, and that cross you off the shortlist.

So you can be the best builder in the world. But if they never get a chance to meet you or talk to you or actually work with you, it’s all for not. So you have to become a really good marketer. And that’s going to start at not your online brochure, which a lot of builders look at their websites. Ours is simply just the Pretty brochure, but it actually has to be a functioning tool that is going to answer the questions, most pressing questions that your leads have and be able to start a relationship with them without them having to call you up on the phone or fill out a contact us form.

Any thoughts Daiana on that? 

Daiana: So I never thought that someone will exclude me because we all talk about inclusion, right? Diversity. Yeah. How can we exclude? So I, but that makes sense because noticing my behavior, I do the same. So I just choose by exclusion. 

Rick: We can pretend all we want. On inclusion that’s how people shop as they’re gonna include everybody, but it’s truly a meritocracy.

It’s like the cream will rise to the top and only the builders that really have, they put their best foot forward and they have their websites that are lead centric design that are going to be interactive dynamic tools where that lead can start a permission based relationship. Those are the builders that are going to come out in the end and they are going to take market share.

From their, from their competitors. Is it fair? No, but that’s just how life is. Perception is reality. And the perception is you do not match, you know, what that lead is looking for. As a builder, if that’s her perception, when you’re on your website, you’re going to lose out, they’re going to exclude you and they’re going to look to one of your, one of your competitors.

And remember, most people are probably only talk to two, maybe three builders and for some of you, it might be the only, you’re the only builder they’re going to talk to. Getting that relationship started on the right foot is, is, it’s, it’s everything. That’s 

Daiana: true. 

Rick: So hopefully this was beneficial for you.

And this is fun to kind of just go through three quick questions on a specific topic. We’ll be doing more of these going forward. So if you would like to talk more about your website or capturing leads or converting them into appointments and ultimately sales, you can go ahead and schedule your strategy call today, and then find out how we can help you attract, capture, and convert high quality leads so you too can pick and choose.

your clients and jobs. And for my brothers and sisters in Christ, may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all always. We’ll see you next time on Conversations that Convert.


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